Level of Effort
The Flood Resilience Scorecard is a comprehensive, whole community-approach focused tool that can be used to evaluate flood vulnerability through three different lenses: environmental, institutional, and social.
- Assess environmental features of flood vulnerability related to natural and physical landscape characteristics
- Develop sustainable community policies and plans
- Examine the cultural and socioeconomic sources of vulnerability
Guidance & Resources
The Wisconsin Flood Resilience Scorecard can support communities in preparing for flooding events, but is not designed to address catastrophic events like a 500-year flood. This guide is intended to be used by Wisconsin public officials in local government. It enables local officials to gather information about flood vulnerability in their community, identify potential sources of vulnerability, and consider recommendations for improvement on multiple scales.
Tool Custodian & Partners
Related Data & Tools
- Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
flood, flood resilience, flood vulnerability, assessment, DHS, Wisconsin